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Questions related to purpose, audience, conventions, and trouble spots (PACT) can apply to any class. Those core questions are at the heart of the SpeakWrite™ initiative.

Several Eberly College undergraduate programs are SpeakWrite Certified. SpeakWrite Certified Programs incorporate and develop students’ written, verbal, visual, and mediated communication skills across the curriculum. SpeakWrite courses emphasize a process-based approach to learning where students apply the core questions and have opportunities to receive feedback and revise their work.  

  • Students completing majors in SpeakWrite Certified Programs automatically fulfill the WVU General Education Foundations (GEF) writing and communication skills requirement.
  • Students completing Eberly College programs that do not carry SpeakWrite Certification fulfill the writing and communication skills requirement by completing ENGL 101 and 102 (or 103), and a minimum of two additional program-designated SpeakWrite Certified courses. 
A SpeakWrite™ Advisory Board guides the initiative and includes faculty representatives from SpeakWrite-certified programs that represent the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences.

The Advisory Board provides feedback on course and program proposals, faculty development plans, and project-based activities that underscore the importance of effective communication skills.

The side bar menus provide links to faculty resources to support curriculum, program, and faculty development.