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Writing Studio

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PACT for Presentation Feedback

Presenter’s name:

Reviewer’s name:

PACT Criteria Exceptional Proficient Emerging
Purpose: Introduces the purpose of the presentation clearly and creatively; provides an accurate and complete explanation of key concepts and theories; draws upon relevant research and examples as appropriate.
Audience: Tone and style are appropriate for the audience; the presentation is organized to get and keep the audience's attention.
Conventions: Keeps time constraints in mind (within 1 minute of allotted time); graphics reinforce the main message; visual aids were colorful and large enough to be seen even in the back of the room; no misspellings or grammatical errors; delivery is confident, with good volume and steady rate.
Trouble-shooting: What distracts or needs to be polished:
  • Proofread slides (or other media) to avoid distracting errors
  • Work on visuals to be sure slides (or other media) are visible and clear
  • Practice timing to avoid being rushed or going over
  • Memorize key points to maintain more eye contact and rely less on notes
  • Practice volume, pace, and expressive delivery
  • Consider appearance in terms of the occasion and the audience

Summary comment (praise/question/polish):

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