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PACT for Speaking: What can you do well?

Can-do Statements for Presentational Writing

Which of these points can you do well? Which will you work on? You might use purpose, audience, and conventions for your first presentation. “Trouble spots” can serve as a checklist for your next presentation.



I can communicate the purpose of my presentation clearly in basic terms. I can provide simple definitions of key concepts and theories that are pertinent to my topic. I am learning how to conduct research and incorporate parts of it into my presentation.


I can communicate the purpose of my presentation clearly with some detail. I can explain in some detail key concepts and theories that are pertinent to my topic. I can reference some relevant research and provide some examples to illustrate my points.


I can communicate the purpose of my presentation creatively with elaboration of its key components. I can explain in detail key concepts and theories that are pertinent to my topic. I can integrate relevant research and examples to illustrate my points.



I can recognize the tone and style that is appropriate to my task but find it challenging to use them while addressing my audience. I can organize my presentation in a way that communicates basic points of my topic but have difficulty keeping my audience’s attention. I need to develop better strategies for keeping my audience engaged.


I can recognize the tone and style that is appropriate to my task and frequently use it to address my audience. I can organize my presentation in a way that communicates my main points and mostly keeps my audience’s attention. I can employ some strategies for keeping my audience engaged.


I can easily recognize and use the tone and style appropriate to my audience and task. I can organize my presentation effectively to communicate my thesis and keep my audience’s attention. I can employ spontaneous and interactive methods to keep my audience engaged.



I can present a basic outline of my points in the time allotted for the presentation, but there are gaps in the information I include. I incorporated a few graphics but could find additional images that better communicate my message. I have prepared my presentation but included limited details. My presentation contains multiple spelling and grammatical errors, to which I need to pay more attention. I can deliver my presentation in its entirety but have difficulty with confidence, volume, and pauses while doing so.


I can present my points with some success in the time allotted for the presentation. I can incorporate some graphics that reinforce my message. I can employ some visual aids that are engaging and helpful in communicating the points of my message. My presentation is prepared in some detail and contains only minor spelling and grammatical errors. I can deliver my presentation with some confidence, accurate volume, and only minor pauses.


I can successfully present my points in the time allotted for the presentation. I can successfully incorporate graphics that reinforce my message. I employ visual aids that are engaging and helpful in communicating the points of my presentation. My presentation is well prepared and free of misspellings and grammatical errors. I can deliver my presentation with confidence, good volume, and with fluidity.



I do not proofread my slides (or other media) in advance to avoid errors. I include some visuals but do not check to see that they are visible and clear. I could include additional visuals to make my points. I rarely practice timing to avoid being rushed or going over. I am dependent on notes to make key points and find it challenging to maintain eye contact. I rarely practice volume, pace, and delivery and need to work on being expressive during the delivery of my presentation. I rarely consider appearance in terms of the occasion and audience.


I quickly proofread my slides (or other media) in advance to avoid distracting errors. I include visuals but do not always check to see that they are visible and clear. I sometimes practice timing to avoid being rushed or going over. I sometimes rely on notes to make key points, but I can maintain eye contact most of the time. I sometimes practice volume, pace, and delivery, although I could be more expressive. I give some thought to appearance in terms of the occasion and audience.


I proofread my slides (or other media) carefully in advance to avoid distracting errors. I work on visuals to be sure slides (or other media) are visible and clear. I practice timing to avoid being rushed or going over. I memorize key points to maintain more eye contact and rely less on notes. I practice volume, pace, and expressive delivery. I consider appearance in terms of the occasion and the audience.

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